Add New Operator
The steps to add an Op are as follows:
- Add the implementation of the Op for the corresponding Backend (CPU).
- Add the enumeration of the Op types.
- Register the implemented Op for the corresponding Backend.
- Add the frontend representation of the Op.
Add the implementation of the Op for the corresponding Backend
- Add CPUAbc.hpp and CPUAbc.cpp to the CPU directory, or you can generate the two files by running
- Class declaration. Inherit from the base class Op and mainly implement methods like reshape() and execute().
- Implement CPUOpCreator.
Here is an example:
#include "Op.hpp"#include "CPUBackend.hpp"
namespace mllm {
class CPUAbc final : public Op {public: CPUAbc(Backend *bn, string opName, int param1, bool param2, int threadCount); virtual ~CPUAbc() = default; // Calculate the size of the outputs Tensor virtual ErrorCode reshape(vector<shared_ptr<Tensor>> inputs, vector<shared_ptr<Tensor>> outputs) override; // Perform the calculation and assign values to outputs virtual ErrorCode execute(vector<shared_ptr<Tensor>> inputs, vector<shared_ptr<Tensor>> outputs) override; // Load weight parameters (not required to override) virtual ErrorCode load(AbstructLoader &loader) override; // Free weight parameters, appearing in pairs with load (not required to override) virtual ErrorCode free(vector<shared_ptr<Tensor>> inputs, vector<shared_ptr<Tensor>> outputs) override; // Manage the memory for outputs(inputs) (not required to override) virtual ErrorCode setUp(vector<shared_ptr<Tensor>> inputs, vector<shared_ptr<Tensor>> outputs) override;
private: // Parameters of Op int param1_; bool param2_; int thread_count = 4;};
class CPUAbcCreator : public CPUBackend::Creator {public: virtual Op *create(OpParam op_param, Backend *bn, string name, int threadCount) const { // Read the parameters of CPUAbc here // OpParam is a vector<float> int param1 = (int)op_param["param1"]; bool param2 = (bool)op_param["param2"]; return new CPUAbc(bn, name, param1, param2, threadCount); }};
} // namespace mllm
#endif // MLLM_CPUABC_H
Add the enumeration of the Op types
Add the enumeration of the Op types in the OpDefined.hpp file.
#include <string>#include <vector>using std::string;using std::vector;
namespace mllm {enum OpType { INVALID_VALUE = 0, PARAMETER, ADD, ... ... ABC, //<==Add here OP_NUM};
static const vector<string> OpNames = { "INVALID_VALUE", "Parameter", "Add", ... ... "Abc", //<==Add here "OP_NUM"};} // namespace mllm#endif
Register the implemented Op for the corresponding Backend
- Include CPUAbc.hpp in the corresponding Backend.cpp file.
- Add the addCreator function in the corresponding Backend.cpp file.
#include "CPUBackend.hpp"#include "CPUView.hpp" ... ...#include "CPUAbc.hpp" //<==Add here
... ... ... ...
void CPUBackend::registerOps() { addCreator(PARAMETER, (CPUBackend::Creator *)(new CPUParameterCreator())); ... ... addCreator(ABC, (CPUBackend::Creator *)(new CPUAbcCreator())); //<==Add here}
Add the frontend representation of the Op
Implement the frontend representation of the Op in the file Layer.hpp.
class ABC final : public Layer {public: ABC() = default; ABC(std::string name) { init(std::move(name), OpType::ABC); } Tensor operator()(Tensor input) { auto ts = run({input}, 1); return ts[0]; }};